Duck Shit Oolong: The Tea With An Intriguing Name

Duck Shit Oolong, or Ya Shi Xiang in Mandarin, is a name that’s bound to grab attention. But rest assured, the name has nothing to do with ducks or their droppings. Instead, it’s a tribute to an intriguing legend and the tea’s exquisite aroma. Let’s delve deeper into this oddly-named, but incredibly delightful tea.

Origins and History: Beyond the Name

Duck Shit Oolong originates from the Phoenix Mountains in Guangdong, China. The unusual moniker has a fascinating legend behind it. Local farmers, aiming to keep the unique tea for themselves, gave it this off-putting name to deter others from seeking it out. The strategy worked until tea enthusiasts discovered its captivating flavor and aroma.

The Legend of Ya Shi Xiang

The story goes that farmers named this tea after duck feces to keep the special bushes a secret. The tea’s popularity soared, and the name stuck, even after its true value became well-known.

Taste and Aroma: A Pleasant Surprise

Contrary to its name, Duck Shit Oolong boasts a floral and creamy aroma, with subtle undertones of fruitiness. It’s an ensemble of flavors and scents that dance on the palate.

Brewing the Perfect Cup

To get the best out of Duck Shit Oolong:

  1. Use fresh, filtered water heated to about 90-95°C.
  2. Brew for 3-4 minutes. The tea should unfurl beautifully, releasing its characteristic aroma and taste.
  3. Re-steeping is recommended, with each subsequent steep revealing a different facet of the tea’s profile.
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Health Benefits: More Than Just Flavor

Like other oolong teas, Duck Shit Oolong is rich in antioxidants. Regular consumption might:

  • Boost metabolism.
  • Aid digestion.
  • Improve skin health.
  • Enhance mental alertness.

Purchasing Duck Shit Oolong

Due to its growing popularity, authentic Duck Shit Oolong can be a bit pricey. It’s vital to purchase from a reputable source to ensure you’re getting the genuine article.

Storage Tips

Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. An airtight container is preferable to maintain freshness and aroma.


Duck Shit Oolong might initially intrigue or bemuse with its name, but it wins over with its exceptional taste and aroma. A true gem in the world of teas, it showcases the lengths to which artisans go to perfect their craft. Next time you’re in the mood for an oolong with a twist, give this one a try – it promises not to disappoint!